​Discipleship - learning to follow Jesus ever more closely - is at the heart of what we do at BEC, and Life Groups are key to it. However, we recognise that there are many rich aspects of discipleship which we just don't get to in our services and Life Groups, and that there is much knowledge, passion and expertise amongst us which doesn't get widely shared. Pop-ups are an opportunity to equip one another in discipleship without crowding out mission from our lives and the church calendar throughout the year!
We hope that these groups will give everyone a chance to explore something that interests them and that will help them in their discipleship journey. They will also help us all to make or deepen friendships across the church.
So, please have a look at all the different Pop-ups on offer and sign-up to one!
Leaders: Simon Lau and David Swaffield
Day: Mondays [Starts 3rd June for 5 weeks]
Time: 18:30 - 20:30
This is for a group of 6 men to come together and practically develop their spiritual core. We will work through the book "Strengthen Your Core - Practical Spiritual Formation for Every Day" by Jenny Campbell.
It is suitable for men in search of spiritual friendship and who are willing to be authentic and engage in campfire conversation.
Leader:s Karon Newton
Day: Tuesdays [Starts 4th June for 5 weeks]
Time: 18:30 - 20:00
This group is for anyone who hasn’t heard of the B.L.E.S.S. missional habits and would like to know more, or has heard of it but would like a refresher on what it's all about.
We will discover and chat about how to intentionally develop relationships which demonstrate and share Jesus, as led by Him. We will be following 5 sessions over a simple evening meal together:
B: Begin with Prayer
L: Listen
E: Eat
S: Serve
S: Story
Suitable for youth and adults, all welcome!
Leaders: Garry and Sam Bosworth
Day: Tuesdays [Starts 4th June for 5 weeks]
Time: 19:30 - 21:30
This group is for anyone who likes movies and TV but want to judge the content and worldview according to God's Word. How do we make biblical decisions about entertainment? What are the dangers of not watching entertainment with discerning eyes and ears?
What are the major world views? How can we spot them? How can our Christian worldview influence how we understand and interpret entertainment? What are the dangers of not being aware of different worldviews?
All content will be age-appropriate for the group, which is suitable for older teens and above. We will watch a movie during the week/weekend and then discuss it at our meeting.
Leaders: Steve and Mary West
Day: Wednesdays [Starts 5th June for 3 weeks]
Time: 19:00 - 21:00
Steve & Mary will be showing hospitality by cooking a 2 course meal for you, and you will have opportunity to share your faith story as you eat together. They would especially love to see you if you have never been to their home before!
Leaders: David and Pat Biddle
Day: Wednesdays [Starts 5th June for 5 weeks]
Time: 19:30 - 21:00
Suitable for all ages. Bring all you know. Learn more. Take lessons for us today.
JOHN THE BAPTISER: prophet, signpost, but his message was not enough.
JOSEPH & MARY DAVIDSON: a lifetime of loving Jesus.
JOHN ben ZEBEDEE: from loudmouth to Holy Spirit masterpiece.
PONTIUS PILATE: Easter villain? Respected by thousands today.
MARY MAGDALENE: victim of unflattering stereotypes: 1st evangelist.
Introduction to the Persecuted Church
Leaders: Nicky Andrews and Martin Hall
Day: Wednesdays [Starts 5th June for 5 weeks]
Time: 19:30 - 21:00
This group will use the Open Doors course “Dangerous Faith”, to look at contemporary persecution through studying the book of Acts. Videos and discussion will help us explore the facts and issues.
Suitable for adults of all ages.
Leader:s Candi Ireson
Day: Wednesdays [Starts 5th June for 5 weeks]
Time: 19:30 - 21:30
This group is about deepening our relationship with God: spending time with Him; developing 'relationship' with Him; learning to spend time with Him; having two-way conversation with Him.
We will do this in a variety of ways, such as:
Stories of encouragement to draw close to Him.
Different ways of hearing His voice.
Different ways of spending time with Him - Spiritual Pathways.
Practising some different methods together.
Suitable for adults and older teenagers. I would love to see some younger people come along!
Leader:s Sue Highfield
Day: Thursdays [Starts 6th June for 5 weeks]
Time: 14:00 - 15:30
Aim: The amazing wonder of God's plan of salvation and its implications for our lives.
Together we will look at the history of God's holiness and our response. How each piece relates to Jesus and His finished work, and the practical implications.
Historical background. God's holiness. Outline of Tabernacle.
Looking at individual pieces within the tabernacle with a view of seeing all that Jesus accomplished for us.
Time of reflection/worship.
Practical implications for a) our lives, b) outreach.
It will not be so detailed that it loses it's aims and there will be space to 'see' together!
Suitable for all adults and refreshments included.
Leader:s Dave Andrews
Day: Thursdays [Starts 6th June for 5 weeks]
Time: 19:15 - 20:45
For 'worshippers who are musicians and/or singers'.
Areas covered likely to include:
A brief overview of 'worship' in the Bible, looking at key verses.
Song selection - what makes a good worship song.
Practical tips for less-experienced musicians.
Leading worship in a small group setting.
Each session would include some sung worship.
The overall aim is to encourage each other in our worshipping the Lord in song, and to equip us to serve as musician/worshippers.
Anyone attending all five sessions would receive a book on worship at the end.
Leader:s Chris Legge
Day: Fridays [Starts 7th June for 5 weeks]
Time: 19:30 - 21:00
This group will use the “Securely Single" Course, which is designed to help, support and encourage single Christians. Through videos and discussion, and using Psalm 139, we will look at the following topics in our sessions:
1. Is there something wrong with me?
2. Who are you? Unveiling God's Promises
3. Is Singleness a Gift?
4. Celibacy, Intimacy and Friendship
5. Moving On
Suitable for all adults.

Leader:s Charly Skoppek, Bethany Wells, Julie Telfer
Day: Sundays [2nd, 16th & 30th June]
Time: 10:00 - 12:00
Forest Church is a discipleship group inviting all ages to encounter God through nature. Exploring the theme of 'Growth in Discipleship' as displayed through creation. We will journey together reflecting on different elements of growth, and what is needed to be fruitful believers in Jesus.
Over the course of 3 weeks we will be discovering different nature sites local to Rugby, and invite you to join us in a variety of nature based activities, worship, Bible study, craft and games.
Leaders: Helen Douse and Tammy Fraser
Day: Mondays and one Saturday
[Starts 3rd June for 5 weeks]
Time: 19:15 - 21:30
From Freedom in Christ ministries. Involves 5 Mondays, and 1 Saturday with meal, to do the Steps and session 6.
“The Grace Course is a tool for churches to help Christians to help Christians recover their first love so they go on to love others and make an impact in the world. In order for Christians to be motivated purely by love, we have to help them get rid of “false motivators” such as…guilt, shame, fear and pride.
A true understanding of God’s grace provides the antidote. The course is designed to help Christians understand the mind-blowing benefits of what it means to be God’s child- that we are acceptable to God, that we don’t have to try hard to “act like we think Christians should”, that we can simply live out of the truth of who we are now- free, innocent, unashamed, courageous, humble and ready to bear much fruit! It puts the emphasis on knowing the truth, not just in our heads but in our hearts and has a ministry component called the Steps to Experiencing God’s Grace.
6 sessions: Free; Innocent; Unashamed; Courageous; Humble; Steps to Grace Ministry day; Fruitful.
Leaders: Tim Rice and Hannah Berridge
Day: Tuesdays [Starts 4th June for 5 weeks]
Time: 19:00 - 21:30
A group for people who enjoy taking pictures on their phone and talking about their faith.
Each week we will look at Bible passages that contain remarkable ‘Good News’. Following some discussion there will be space to reflect on what we have read and shared together. Then, during the week that follows, the challenge will be to take pictures to illustrate what we learnt together, working to a given ‘title’. At the next meeting we will look at the pictures people would like to share. Each week there will also be a short ‘hands-on’ session working with photos, to try things out.
The aim is to build confidence as we learn from each other and contribute. This group is for people who agree to take part in the challenges set each week.
For adults and older teenagers (roughly 16+)
Leaders: David Brumpton and Matt Deaves
Day: Tuesdays [Starts 4th June for 5 weeks]
Time: 19:30 - 21:30
Life in the kingdom- learning to live in the power of the spirit.
Jesus instructed his followers to pray that "your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." We will explore what this means and invite the kingdom of heaven into our daily lives. We will gently minister in the power of the Holy Spirit as we learn to bless each other.
Over the five weeks we will unpack what the bible says about the kingdom of heaven; understand how to pray prayers that God will answer; learn to pray for healing; give and receive prophetic words of knowledge; and consider key principles on listening to the Spirit.
Suitable for adults and youth from Year 10, this group is for anyone who wants to practise using their spiritual gifts and understand and live in the kingdom of heaven.
Leaders: David and Pat Biddle
Day: Wednesdays [Starts 5th June for 5 weeks]
Time: 14:00 - 16:00
Suitable for all ages! Bring all you know. Learn more. Take lessons for today.
SOILS (Luke 8) - creating fertile soil for the gospel.
PHARISEE & TAX COLLECTOR (Luke 18) - what's wrong with gratitude?
PERSISTENT WIDOW (Luke 18) - getting mad about injustice.
TEN MINAS (Luke 19) - check your motivation.
GREAT BANQUET (Luke 14) - why do needy folk need to be compelled?
Leaders: Derek and Carmelita Egan
Day: Wednesdays [Starts 5th June for 5 weeks]
Time: 19:00 - 21:00
Helping people live healthier more active lives.
You were wonderfully and fearfully made [1]: put together more wonderfully than the finest Formula 1 racing machine! The components of our bodies are amazingly designed to work seamlessly together for the glory of God. But, just like a Formula 1 car, if we use the wrong fuel and don’t pay attention to maintenance things can start to go wrong; sometimes catastrophically.
Sadly, about 40% [2] of the NHS burden results from preventable diseases due to lifestyle choices. In this 5-week programme, using a mix of presented information and group discussion we'll explore how to nurture our bodies and souls through wise choices, combining biblical wisdom and science to reduce our own risks from preventable disease.
In a world full of evolving health trends, it's challenging to distinguish facts from fads. We'll navigate through the noise, focusing on healthy choices you can implement to optimize well-being for you and your family. We will explore together the sorts of wise choices you can make to thrive in your health, longevity and (hopefully) happiness. From recognising wholesome foods to incorporating manageable activity routines into busy schedules, considering the importance of rest, to fostering meaningful social connections, we will explore together, week by week, how to craft a health enhancing lifestyle – whatever your age.
Whether you're juggling a hectic schedule, caring for the family, or seeking to optimise your health as you age, Body & Soul is dedicated to helping you garner the support of others to cultivate a sustainable, God honouring and health enhancing lifestyle.
By the end of our structured group sessions our goal is for you to possess tools to make positive sustainable change leading to a healthier, more active, productive and ultimately God-honouring lifestyle. Join us at Body & Soul as we explore together the journey to better health and well-being.
The workshops will be run by Derek & Carmelita Egan who are both qualified Gym Instructors and Associate Members of the Public Health Collective.
[1] Psalm 139:14
[2] House of Lords - The long term sustainability of the NHS & adult social care. Chpt 6. Rept session 2016-17. Pub. April 17. www.parliament.uk
Leader:s Erica Richmond
Day: Wednesdays [Starts 5th June for 5 weeks]
Time: 19:00 - 21:00
Share a simple meal together and debate contemporary ethical issues, while also digging into the ways we make them.
How do you decide the right way to behave? Does the Bible give us definitive answers to every moral question, or does God transform our character so that we make the right choice in the situation? Is any ethical theory good enough to live by, or do they all have limitations?
As Christians, we are navigating relationships, work and being a citizen in a culture where war, changing sexual ethics, medical dilemmas and technological developments are having a huge impact. Together, we will learn new things, debate hot topics in a respectful way, and pray for our world.
Suitable for older teenagers and above.
Leaders: Alf and Isobel Berridge
Day: Thursdays [Starts 16th May for 7 weeks]
Time: 19:15 - 21:45
The Marriage Course is a series of seven sessions, designed to help married couples invest in their relationship and build a strong marriage. The course is designed to help couples build strong foundations, learn to communicate more effectively, and resolve differences well.
The Marriage Course offers practical tools to help couples invest in their marriage so that it may last a lifetime. After watching the online video, couples have time for private discussion. Couples are never asked to share anything about their relationship with anyone else.
Topics covered include: Strengthening Connection | The Art of Communication | Resolving Conflict | The Power of Forgiveness | The Impact of Family - Past and Present | Good Sex | Love in Action.
Please note this course starts on 16th May - 2 weeks earlier than the other groups - as there are 7 sessions in total.
Leaders: Steve and Liel Wills
Day: Fridays [Starts 7th June for 5 weeks]
Time: 18:30 - 20:30
This group is for anyone of any age and ability who loves to worship!
We will start with a potluck dinner and a short discussion on worship using the videos and Bible study "Living Out Worship". Then we will have a time of worship together.
Leaders: Carl Brown and Alex Holton
Day: Sundays [Starts 2nd June for 7 weeks]
Time: 13:00 - 15:00
This is for parents and spiritual parents (Godparents, uncles, aunts, grandparents etc.) to be equipped and empowered to do faith and discipleship at home and throughout the week.
The course will be interactive and chilled to encourage all to explore how God has best placed you to do faith at home.
There will be lunch provided and after lunch, there will be a movie club for the children and young people to watch a film (the children will be supervised).
Leader:s Paul Rogers
Day: Sundays [Starts 2nd June for 5 weeks]
Time: 15:00 - 17:00
Jesus did much of his discipleship with others walking at a speed of perhaps 3 mph. This slower pace, one that we all-too-infrequently experience, had the benefits of facilitating being 'present' to others in relationship, and it was in this context that sharing life and discipling issues took place.
This activity will allow us to meet others by walking and talking around the beautiful Warwickshire countryside, whilst being open to asking what God is doing in our lives, and trying to respond appropriately to this (we will use simple discipling tools and conversations to this end).
Suitable for all ages - families welcome!; ability to take in a 1-1.5 hour stroll/push necessary, over flat though possibly uneven ground.