pastoral care
We want everyone at BEC to feel known and cared for, and to be able to access support if they need it. We believe it is the responsibility of each one of us to care for one another and to seek to help others when they are experiencing hardship or problems that, at least for the moment seem beyond their ability to cope. We believe the best way of doing this is to be in community, and therefore pastoral care at BEC takes place primarily within our Life Groups.
On occasion, issues may arise that need more particular care and are beyond the skills and experience of the Life Group leader. In these circumstances, the individual’s issue would, with their permission be referred by the Life Group leader to the Cluster leader for advice. If it is not possible for the Cluster leader to resolve the issue, the matter may then be referred to the Pastoral Care Coordination team (PCCT).
The PCCT consists of a small group of specifically appointed individuals, who are led by the Pastoral Care Team Leader, who reports directly to a Church Leader. These individuals have been endorsed by the Church Leadership as having particular gifts, skills and experience relevant to pastoral care at BEC.

Michelle Cockburn
(PCCT Team Leader)

Jan Wilding
(BEC Member)

Alf Berridge
(BEC Member)

Karon Newton
(Discipleship Team Leader)
Although any church member may be involved in visiting others in their own home, other organised visiting may be arranged for those in need, those who are sick or otherwise not in routine contact with the church. This type of visiting would be coordinated by the PCCT.
All those who are asked by the PCCT to provide pastoral support, will be required to hold a satisfactory Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) clearance and have read and agree to adhere to the BEC policies for Pastoral Care and the Safeguarding of Children and Vulnerable Adults.
Anyone can refer themselves directly and confidentially to the PCCT by emailing care@becchurch.org.uk or through their Life Group leader.
At this time of increasing costs, job losses, family breakdowns and low income, the BEC Elders and Trustees recognise they may receive requests for financial assistance from church members, and those in our local community who regularly engage with BEC ministries and Life Groups.
The Trustees of BEC decided that the Pastoral Care Coordination Team (PCCT) should manage the Support Fund on their behalf.

All current BEC members and those who regularly attend any of the BEC ministries or Life Groups are eligible to benefit from the fund, provided their application is approved by the PCCT.
Application forms can be obtained by contacting their Life Group or Ministry Leader or emailing care@becchurch.org.uk
All members of the PCCT work strictly within a circle of confidentiality.
The maximum amount of money that can be given to one person for each application is: £200.
A total of two applications may be made by each individual.

The PCCT recognise that in certain circumstances, people who require financial support may need a rapid response. Therefore, a member of the PCCT will be responsible for ensuring the individual completes and submits the application form within 3 working days. Members of the PCCT will then consider the request, within the next 24 hours in order to make a joint decision.
Payments will be made by electronic transfer to the individual as soon as possible.
It is recognised that those in financial need would often benefit from additional support such as: Financial mentoring, budget counselling, participation in a support group or food supplies.
The PCCT are aware of a number of local organisations who may be able to help and will seek to signpost those in need to the relevant resources. Members of the PCCT are also able to issue Food Bank Vouchers.