Prayer is the foundation to everything we do at BEC as we acknowledge that our mission would be impossible to carry out without God directing us, equipping us and opening doors for us through prayer! We see prayer as a vital tool for every disciple of Jesus as God uses it to refine, renew and restore us.
Call to Prayer
We have our daily 'call to prayer' meeting which takes place on Zoom,
Monday - Friday from 8am - 8.30am
To join the meeting, all you need to do is follow this link:
You will possibly need the following details to login too:
Meeting ID: 817 4584 1206
Password: PRAY20
Prayer Meetings
We think it's important to gather as family to pray for the church and individuals, as well as local, national and international events and situations so every Tuesday morning from 9:30am - 10.30am, we have a prayer gathering at the BEC Centre.
Every 2nd & 4th Monday of the month, we have a meeting dedicated to praying for the persecuted church which alternates between in-person and online. This is an opportunity to join together and pray for our Christian brothers and sisters from around the world.
Please get in touch with the office for further details on how to access these.