
Children's Sunday
For age 3+ we meet every Sunday - on the 2nd Sunday of the month we have creche with leaders, the rest of the time it is a parent-led creche.
We have four age groups running alongside the creche on a Sunday morning - Sunbeams for pre-schoolers and Reception aged children, then our KS1 and KS2 aged children are currently meeting together and dividing into age groups during the session, with Year 1 and 2 being in WizzKids, Year 3 and 4 in Glow and Year 5 and 6 in Blaze.
Pebbles Toddler Group
Pebbles Toddler Group sessions are for anyone with babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers. If you would like to provide your child with a morning of socialising and play, and would like to give yourself a well earned break amongst a welcoming, friendly group, then please come along! Each week we have the toys out, there's a craft activity, a singing session and a story-time. There is also a cafe area with drinks and snacks available throughout the morning.
The sessions run every Wednesday at the BEC Centre from 10am - 11.30am. Please note that we only run during term time - check Pebbles Toddler Group on Facebook for more information!

Wednesday 19th February